
Kiran Abbavaram’s Mic Drop Moment Before Rules Ranjann Release!

Tollywood’s buzzing, and it’s not just the film reels! Kiran Abbavaram, the charismatic force behind the upcoming Rules Ranjann, is making waves and he’s ready to address the elephant in the room: the trolls. As the prerelease event lights blazed, Kiran stepped into the spotlight, all guns blazing.

Opening with a cheeky nod to his critics, Kiran declared,

Watch out! In a year, I’ll make all of you stand up and applaud. And hey, while you’re at it, remember to think before you troll!

Though past films had their highs and lows, Kiran’s spirit is unshakable. The trolls might be loud, but Kiran Abbavaram’s determination for Rules Ranjann is louder.

And the best part? Rules Ranjann is ready to dazzle Tollywood on October 6th. As we eagerly await the film’s release, one thing’s for sure: Kiran’s got his game face on, and he’s ready to let Rules Ranjann do the talking!

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