
Baana Daariyalli Review: A Cinematic Habba in Kannada Cinema

Sid and Leela aren’t just any jodi. They are dhruda, passionate, and fully samarpita to their respective sports. Sid’s jagattu revolves around cricket, while Leela, not just a swimmer, also dances with the ale as a surfer. Their paths, seemingly samana, cross because of Leela’s preeti for nature. And just like that, in a hridaya kshana, they find themselves lost in each other’s eyes.

As the katha unfolds, the two decide to make their bond dhridha, but as with any maha kavya, destiny has its own lekhana. The plot takes an anapekshita twist, testing their nambike and saahasa.

If the film’s modalane bhaga spotlights their sporting lives, the second takes a kaadu turn. Enter Kadambari, portrayed with josh by Reeshma Nanaiah. Now, we journey through the uncharted beauty of kaadina rajya, showcasing the adhbhuta sights of Africa’s Massai Mara, a first for Kannada chitraranga. The title, Baana Daariyalli, intertwines sundara with the storyline, enhancing the anubhava.

Directing this manohara yatra is Preetam Gubbi, making a prashasta comeback. He’s complemented sundaravagi by Preetha Jayaram’s script. Ganesh, our beloved navarasa nayaka, feels at ease in this bhavapurna tale, while Rukmini Vasanth, for her nirantara prayatna in her surfing role, deserves applause. While every actor chamak in their roles, Rangayana Raghu, as Leela’s tande, steals the limelight.

Though a bit more sukshma in the screenplay would have been ideal, Baana Daariyalli is undoubtedly a nodalu bekaada chitra. Rated at 3.5 stars, keep a tundu rumalu handy, as it promises to make you kannu neeru surisu.

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